
I work with individuals as a sparring partner on:

  • Clarifying career goals

  • Working through a specific workplace challenge or opportunity 

  • Providing insight into your typical personality preferences, motivational drivers and cognitive ability, to increase your self-awareness and effectiveness

Whilst these are classic topics that come under organisational coaching (as distinct from clinical psychology), I determine in an introductory call if my style of ‘coaching lite’ is appropriate, or whether I should refer you on to a qualified coach in my network who specialises in a more intensive program.

I use online products from SHL and Hogan, amongst the world`s most well-respected and robust assessment providers. These two providers rank as the British Psychological Society’s number one and number two personality assessments respectively.

The service and price includes:

  • Free introductory exchange on purpose and appropriate range of assessments

  • Completion of online assessments (with diagnostic options including Personality, Motivation, Ability Tests, and 360-degree feedback). Time for completion varies from 25 minutes to 2 hours, dependent upon the range of assessments selected.

  • Written report outlining your results and dependent upon the context agreed in advance (career counselling, leadership assessment, learning agility assessment etc.)

  • 90 min telephone or in-person debrief, dependent upon location/urgency/time available

  • Price depends upon range of assessments selected and number of sessions agreed upon. Indicative pricing is €500-€3,000.